Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kids say the most sincere things.

Last night Tyler was being overly sweet to Me and Tory. Mostly becase the night before he was a complete pill(due to No nap). I was giving Tyler a bath and he was telling me of a story his teacher told him at Daycare earlier in the day about when she called her Mom stupid when she was a young girl. Tyler was telling me what would happen to him if he ever called me stupid. So here is how the conversation went.

Tyler: Ms Terri called her Mom a Stupid Mommy when she was a little girl.

Me: Really, Well that was not very nice.

Tyler: Yep and she got a spanking like this (Showing me how she got a spanking on the hiney).

Me: And what do you think would happen if you ever called me stupid.

Tyler: I would get a spanking like Ms. Terri did.

Me: That's right because calling people stupid is not nice
So now we are in his room getting him dressed in his jammies

Tyler: And you can't say other bad words like "Oh Shit" or stupid right Mommy.

Me: That's right you can say Oh Snap

Tyler: can I say oh swipey

Me: Yes you can.

Tyler: YOu can't have a potty mouth. It's not nice

Me: That's right buddy

Tyler: I love you Mommy

Me: I love you too buddy

So how do you not laugh at that conversation while it is happening and have a straight face. I tell you it is very hard to do.

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