Monday, December 27, 2010

Those that we Remember......

I want to start by saying that I had an awesome Christmas filled with laughter and joy.
But......I can't help thinking about my Grandmother that we lost to Cancer almost 2 years ago.
My Grandmother was the most selfless, never complained, sweet, caring, welcoming person that I know. I was named after her and oh how I miss her terribly.
I have soooo many memories from my childhood during Christmas of her. She always made sure that each grandchild (there are 6 of us grandchildren) had an equal amount of gifts. Even as adults she continued that and she would get the Great-Grandchildren an equal amount of gifts as well.
But it was more that just the presents.......I will never forget the time that she made my Dad go out shopping on Christmas Eve because it was "tradition". We lived in Virgina at the time and would go to ATL to spend our Christmas break at my Grandparents. My Dad would go out every year on Christmas Eve to get my Mom her Christmas gifts. year he actually got my MOm something before we left Virgina. My Grandmother looked at My Dad and said "Alan, aren't you going out shopping?" My Dad said that he had already gotten his shopiing done. My Grandmother told my Dad that he HAD to go out shopping because it was tradition. And with that my Dad left to go shopping...even though he didn't actually NEED to.... We all laughed.
My Grandmother's house was full of people....laughter....and hot... but we had a blast playing ping-pong in the basement, playing board games upstairs, eating good food, taking naps, laughing and just enjoying everyone.
I miss her soo much.....
But I know that she was looking down on all of us enjoying the same things that we enjoyed as children.
Sooo my point is that even when we get busy remember those that are no longer with us because they always remembered us....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Busy Hectic Life for the past several months have been CRAZY.
In August I started another semester of grad school which I was prepared for since I took the summer off from school. Howvever, A week after the semester began I tore my maniscus in my knee at my neighbor's kids birthday party. 2 words inflatable waterslide. Tyler and I were at the bottom and my other neighbor's daughter (did I mention she is 13) was almost at the top when she slipped and started sliding back down the little rubber steps. Needless to say her foot hit right below my knee. I heard the snap. So I couldn't drive for about a month. Have to wear a very aggravating leg brace. Had surgery.....but all is well on that front.

Tyler started soccer. It is soo cute watching him play. Now I know what my parent's felt when they watched me play sports. I just want him to do well and have fun at the same time. I just can't believe that my little boy is 4. Man how time does fly when you are having fun.

Right now I just feel very blessed. My job is shaky. I work with childrn that have mental illness (ADHA, anger management issues, you name it) For about 2 months I worked with the adult population. Man oh man do I ever feel blessed to have a "normal" life and not have to deal with having a diagnosed mental illness. Then they moved me back to working with by "babies" again only to tell us that there will not be any more child and adolescent program sooo back to adults I go. I am not happy about this. I am thankful for a job but I want a job that I enjoy. Right now there are not any openings for elementary teachers in my area.

On a positive note, I do have a wonderful family that I could not be happier to be apart of. I have 2 of the silliest boys on this planet. But as much as they drive me nuts they make me laugh and smile even more. I have a wonderful husband that I love dearly. He makes me feel happy, loved, and I can just be me. I have some wonderful friends that again I can just be me. I don't have to be fake or anything else they are my friends because I am ME. It is soo nice to finally have that. Sooo until next time. Live well, Laugh often, and love deeply. *Muah*

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kids say the most sincere things.

Last night Tyler was being overly sweet to Me and Tory. Mostly becase the night before he was a complete pill(due to No nap). I was giving Tyler a bath and he was telling me of a story his teacher told him at Daycare earlier in the day about when she called her Mom stupid when she was a young girl. Tyler was telling me what would happen to him if he ever called me stupid. So here is how the conversation went.

Tyler: Ms Terri called her Mom a Stupid Mommy when she was a little girl.

Me: Really, Well that was not very nice.

Tyler: Yep and she got a spanking like this (Showing me how she got a spanking on the hiney).

Me: And what do you think would happen if you ever called me stupid.

Tyler: I would get a spanking like Ms. Terri did.

Me: That's right because calling people stupid is not nice
So now we are in his room getting him dressed in his jammies

Tyler: And you can't say other bad words like "Oh Shit" or stupid right Mommy.

Me: That's right you can say Oh Snap

Tyler: can I say oh swipey

Me: Yes you can.

Tyler: YOu can't have a potty mouth. It's not nice

Me: That's right buddy

Tyler: I love you Mommy

Me: I love you too buddy

So how do you not laugh at that conversation while it is happening and have a straight face. I tell you it is very hard to do.

Wrestling Match

Tyler and Landon were sooo cute the other night. They were playing in the front yard and they were "wrestling" with each other. Well Landon was laying on the grass and Tyler was more or less sitting on Landon's legs. Landon thought it was very funny. Tyler would play patty-cake with Landon. Landon would just cackle with laughter. THen Tyler would lean over Landon and hug his baby brother and Landon would pat Tyler on the head. It was too precious. I tool some pictures of the little rascles. Hope you enjoy.